As a horsewoman with classical training, clinical experience and a gentle spirit I find that my success comes from being able to confidently and consistently instil trust in both the horses that I work with and the humans who belong to them.

Decades of education and experience allow me to identify gaps in training, address issues with soundness and establish pain-free programs to develop the horse’s mind and body without force. Specialising in body conditioning, foundational education, bare hoof maintenance, nutritional guidance and Equine Metabolic Syndrome management across companion and performance horses.

In-hand work and lunge work comes before flat work and are trained through pressure-release, positive reinforcement and classical conditioning. All work, every little moment, is mindfully undertaken to develop balance and lightness within the horse.

Traveling to you, I offer a service that allows your horses to be cared for in their home environment. Facilitating discourse that allows me to understand your personal philosophy is an important part of helping to achieve your horsemanship goals. Carefully adopting your communication style, I work with your horses in a way that is familiar to them so that the work we do translates back to you.