On-site services offered include:

Flat work- Exercising educated companion and performance horses for weight management and fitness maintenance.

Ground work - Educating, strengthening and developing suppleness (including body work and barehoof maintenance)

  • Retraining Standardbreds for work under saddle

  • Extending the education of OTT Thoroughbreds to include leg aids and relaxed contact.

  • Building  trust and physical capacity in problem horses through consistency and revisiting foundational education/exercise.

  • Starting and backing young horses, including vet care training and hoof care training.

Managing routine care of EMS and Cushings /PPID

  • Routine testing and monitoring of efficacy of medication dosage.

  • Ongoing clinical assessments

  • Nutritional guidance and assistance.

  • Regular barehoof maintainence.

  • Light exercise

Training new/young horse owners.

  • Handling and training principals

  • Worming, dental, vaccination, hoof care strategy

  • Equipment function/fitting

  • Body/mind care during exercise and training

  • Horse riding theory and practice

Quarterly herd FEC tests and worming strategy development